Terima kasih telah berkunjung. InterSastra adalah sebuah inisiatif independen yang membuka ruang-ruang eksplorasi sastra dan seni, untuk mewujudkan masyarakat yang lebih kreatif dan inklusif.

Pada praktiknya, kami menerbitkan karya tulisan dalam bahasa Indonesia dan Inggris, dan mengadakan ajang seni kolaboratif.

Kami pun menyediakan kegiatan-kegiatan bagi pekerja kreatif dan komunitas yang terpinggirkan untuk mengembangkan kemampuan berekspresi. Kami mendorong pertukaran karya antara Indonesia dan dunia selebihnya, untuk menegaskan posisi Indonesia adalah bagian yang setara dari komunitas seni dan sastra global.

Kami memiliki 3 divisi kegiatan, yaitu:

  1. Jurnal InterSastra, yang menerbitkan karya penulis Indonesia dan manca negara secara dwibahasa, mendorong publik untuk membaca dan mendiskusikan karya secara kritis, dan mengadakan lokakarya pengembangan kapasitas bagi penulis dan penerjemah sastra;

  2. House of the Unsilenced, ajang seni multidisiplin bersama penyintas kekerasan berbasis gender untuk mengupayakan kesetaraan gender;

  3. Fashion ForWords, yang menyuarakan kebebasan berekspresi melalui pakaian.

Sejak 2018, InterSastra pun memiliki sebuah sister organization, yaitu Kolektif As-Salam, yang mengadakan kelompok belajar untuk mempelajari ulang agama Islam dengan perspektif kemanusiaan dan kesetaraan, serta membuat karya seni untuk menyebarkan hasil pembelajaran mereka.

Sejak 2012 kami telah menggelar lokakarya dan seminar penerjemahan sastra, forum diskusi antara penerjemah dan penerbit, serta pembacaan karya oleh penulis-penulis Indonesia dan luar negeri. Kami pun telah diundang untuk berbagi pengalaman di berbagai acara, misalnya Asia-Pacific Writers & Translators Association Summit, Festival Pembaca Indonesia, British Centre for Literary Translation Summer School, dan Frankfurt Book Fair.

Pada 2015 kami menerbitkan serial Diverse Indonesia: Next Generation untuk membuka kesempatan alternatif kepada para penulis Indonesia untuk memamerkan karya mereka saat Indonesia menjadi tamu kehormatan pada Frankfurt Book Fair 2015. Karya-karya tersebut kami seleksi tanpa melihat nama atau biografi penulis. Kami kemudian melatih para penerjemah yang menerjemahkan karya-karya itu ke bahasa Inggris. Kemudian, serial itu pun diluncurkan di Frankfurt Book Fair.

Pada 2016 kami meluncurkan serial Defiant Voices untuk melawan pemberangusan buku dan pengekangan terhadap acara sastra dan seni yang mulai kembali marak terjadi sejak setahun sebelumnya.

Simak pula serial Oleh-oleh Sastra, yang berisi karya-karya penulis dan penerjemah luar biasa yang kami temui dalam pengelanaan kami.

Logo InterSastra mengambil inspirasi dari pos udara, sebab penerjemahan menjalin hubungan antara penulis dan pembaca yang bisa jadi berjarak jauh secara fisik dan bahasa, dan bahwa tindakan menulis dapat menginspirasi balasan dalam bentuk tulisan baru atau bentuk kreativitas lainnya. Untuk menggambarkan keterbukaan, garis-garis dalam logo InterSastra hanya dilukis di sudut kiri dan atas. Untuk melambangkan keberagaman suara dan sudut pandang, garis-garis dalam logo InterSastra menjadi berwarna-warni.


Jika anda ingin mengirim karya tulisan, terjemahan, atau ilustrasi untuk InterSastra, mari ke sini. Saran, kritik, atau komentar dapat disampaikan di sini.


InterSastra adalah inisiatif independen, kami bekerja keras agar dapat membayar pekerja, penulis, editor, ilustrator, seniman, dan penerjemah. Kami percaya pekerja kreatif mesti dibayar untuk karya mereka. Saat ini kami sedang tidak memiliki pendanaan dari luar, oleh karena itu bantulah kami untuk membayar para penulis dan staf kami dengan membeli produk-produk yang kami tawarkan, atau menyumbanglah kepada kami melalui tombol di bawah ini. Terima kasih atas dukungan anda.







Thanks for visiting.

InterSastra is an independent initiative that opens platforms for literary and artistic exploration, to achieve a more creative and inclusive society.

We publish stories and poems, produce collaborative art events and performances, and hold discussions to foster connections across segments of society. We provide programs for creatives and marginalized individuals to develop their voice and capacity for self-expression. We collaborate with various stakeholders to increase the impact of our activities. We promote exchanges between Indonesia and the rest of the world, to connect with and affirm our place as part the global arts and literary community.

We are managed by Indonesian women and sexually diverse individuals. Currently we have 3 divisions and 1 sister organization:

  1. InterSastra’s online literary journal, started in 2015 and has published Diverse Indonesia: Next Generation (2015), Defiant Voices (2016), Literary Souvenirs (2017-ongoing), and Unrepressed (2018-2020) series;

  2. House of the Unsilenced, first held in 2018, an interdisciplinary art project that brings together artists, writers, and survivors of gender-based violence to create new works and speak up for gender justice;

  3. Fashion ForWords, first held in 2019, showcasing innovative clothing collections that defy censorship and asserts freedom of expression;

Our sister organization, As-Salam Collective, was formed in 2018 and runs As-Salam Study Club that holds study sessions for relearning Islam from a critical progressive and egalitarian perspective. They also make art works to promote what they’ve learned in the study club.

Since 2012 InterSastra has held literary translation workshops, seminar, and author showcases. We've also been invited to speak at local and international events, such as the Asia-Pacific Writers & Translators Association Summit, Indonesian Readers Festival, British Centre for Literary Translation Summer School, and Frankfurt Book Fair.

In 2015 we published Diverse Indonesia: Next Generation series to provide an alternative opportunity for Indonesian writers to showcase their works at Frankfurt Book Fair 2015, when Indonesia was the focus country. We asked writers not yet selected by the national committee to send their works to us and we selected the submissions without seeing the authors' names or biography. We then trained translators who translated the works, and launched the series at Frankfurt Book Fair.

In 2016, we launched the Defiant Voices series to fight against book-banning and forced disbanding of cultural and literary events, which had happened many times since a year before.

Also, take a look at our Literary Souvenirs series, which publishes works by extraordinary writers or translators that we meet in our travels.

InterSastra’s logo takes its inspiration from airmail, because translation connects writers and readers who may be separated by long distances as well as language differences, and that the act of writing may inspire a response in writing or other creative forms. To symbolize openness, the lines in InterSastra’s logo are drawn only on the top and left sides. To show InterSastra’s commitment to present diversity of voices, the lines are rendered in various colors.


If you'd like to submit your writing, translation, or artwork to us, please see guidelines here. And feel free to write to us at intersastra at gmail dot com. We'll also be glad to hear your comments and suggestions.


InterSastra is an independent initiative, we work hard to pay our volunteers, writers, editors, artists, translators, and illustrators. We believe creative workers must be paid for their work. Now that we are without external funding, please consider helping us pay our contributors and staff by purchasing various products we have on sale. Or please make a donation by clicking the button below. Thank you very much for your support.

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Founder & Director

Eliza Vitri Handayani is a novelist, creator of art events, and literary translator. She is passionate about achieving inclusivity through the arts. Writing in Indonesian and English, her original works have appeared in many Indonesian and international literary outlets. Her novel From Now On Everything Will Be Different (2015) was launched at events such as the Frankfurt Book Fair. Eliza was selected as a WrICE fellow (2016) and has been invited to international festivals. She is also the founder and director of InterSastra (www.intersastra.com), an independent initiative for barrier-breaking creative exploration and exchange, which publishes an online literary journal, creates collaborative art events, and holds workshops, mentorship, and other programs for creatives from disadvantaged backgrounds to develop their capacity for self-expression. Eliza has translated many writers from Indonesia and other countries. Eliza has also created House of the Unsilenced—an art event for gender justice, and Fashion ForWords—using fashion to defy structures that silence us. Eliza also designed the Anti-Censorship Dress (2019). Eliza is a founding member of As-Salam Collective, which holds monthly study sessions to relearn Islam from feminist perspectives, and has created a fashion collection titled Indonesian Muslim Looks (2019). Eliza is one of Australia Arts Council’s International Arts Leaders 2019. You can find links to her literary works at elizavitri.com, and greet her on Instagram or Twitter @elizavitri.


Partnership Manager

Gaia Khairina is a Jakarta native with a keen interest in literature and the arts. After graduating with a liberal arts degree in 2015, she now lives in Bogor, West Java, and works in the environmental field, in sympathy with her mythological namesake. She is currently educating herself on feminist, urban, and social justice issues as much as time permits. She has been writing poetry in Bahasa Indonesia and English since the age of eight and hopes to publish an illustrated poetry collection someday.

Photo by Leah Diprose Photography

Photo by Leah Diprose Photography

Translation Editor

Tiffany Tsao is a writer and literary translator. She is the author of the novel Under Your Wings (US edition titled The Majesties) and the Oddfits fantasy series. Her translations from Indonesian to English include Norman Erikson Pasaribu’s poetry collection Sergius Seeks Bacchus, Dee Lestari’s novel Paper Boats, and Laksmi Pamuntjak’s The Birdwoman’s Palate. Her translations of Norman’s poetry were awarded the English PEN Presents prize and English PEN Translates grant. She spent four years on the volunteer editorial staff of the literature-in-translation journal Asymptote. Born in the United States and of Chinese-Indonesian descent, her family returned to Southeast Asia when she was 3 years old. She spent her formative years in Singapore (8 years) and Indonesia (6 years) before moving to the US for university. She holds a Ph.D. in English literature from UC-Berkeley, and now lives in Sydney, Australia.



Chandra Bientang began her writing career as a content writer. Her debut novel, Dua Dini Hari, was published in 2019 by Noura Publishing. The novel received translation support from the Indonesian National Book Committee through the LitRi Translation Funding Program. In the same year, she was selected as a notable emerging writer by the Ubud Writers and Readers Festival. She studied Philosophy at the University of Indonesia, which strengthened her desire to become a writer. Currently, she is working on an anthology of short stories. Get to know Chandra more closely through her Instagram @chandrabeea and the Chandra Bientang Facebook Page.

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Nathania Silalahi is a recent graduate from the University of Oxford (UK) with a B.A. in Philosophy, Politics & Economics. Despite her academic passions, she has always believed that literature provides an irreplaceable and intimate insight into the experiences of a nation. She is very much interested in literary translation and keen to learn from and contribute to the community of people sharing Indonesian literature abroad. Nathania loves traveling, flat whites, and dim sum.


Website Coordinator

Julia Winterflood is a freelance writer, editor and translator. Hailing from the small desert town of Alice Springs in Central Australia, she has called Indonesia home since 2014. Her writing has been published in Nikkei Asia, The Diplomat, Southeast Asia Globe, Mekong Review, Travel Weekly Asia, Coconuts Jakarta, Coconuts Bali, and by Asialink Arts. Previously, she spent three years as International Media Consultant for Ubud Writers & Readers Festival. Find her published works on jwinterflood.com and follow her on Twitter @jwinterflood.


Social Media Coordinator

Zinda Adinta is a graduate of French literature major at Padjadjaran University. She has worked in the field of hospitality, especially in marketing communications and public relations. Her love for books, music, films, and the beauty of nature served as a background for the making of her first poetry collection, Kelana Imaji. Currently she is busy becoming a private French teacher, occasionally reviewing staying and eating experiences at @eatstayholic, and gathering inspiration for her next book of poetry, while being a mom to a 2-year-old. In the next few years, she's planning to continue her study in the field of tourism, while still teaching French for beginners.


Project Officer

Rajendra Amira is a freelance writer, researcher, and performing artist. They have a B.A. in Philosophy concentrating in Political Philosophy, Human Rights, and Identity. Their creative work is influenced by introspective forms of story-telling and spirituality, and they love ginger tea on rainy afternoons. They have performed for Melati Suryodarmo in her exhibition Why Let the Chicken Run?, Hari Krishnan’s mixed bill production inDance: SKIN, and a part of CONTRA-TIEMPO's 2019 Futuro Dance Intensive. They occasionally post their poetry on Instagram at @rajendra_amira.


Project Officer

FS Putri Cantika (Uti) is an actor, researcher, designer, and artist. She has acted in plays directed by Rukman Rosadi and is active with Mondi Acting Lab. She does research projects on environmental, gender, and social issues. She is part of As-Salam Collective, which debuted their first fashion collection Indonesian Muslim Looks at Fashion ForWords 2019. The collection showcases the diverse everyday styles of Indonesian Muslims, with and without hijab, including an outfit designed for Queer Muslims. She is also part of It’s In Your Hands collective, which makes jewelry from post-consumer plastic bottles. Uti is passionate about coffee, works with coffee farmers, owns and runs Kopi Kebun cafe in Bogor, West Java, where she lives. In addition, Uti used to be a screamer in a punk band.


Project Officer

Margareth Aritonang is a journalist who currently works with The Jakarta Post, an English publication based in Jakarta. She has worked with the Post for nine years, during which she produces stories related to Indonesia’s national politics, security reform, and human rights. Margareth worked with Yogyakarta-based NGO DIAN/Interfidei, whose focus is to promote democracy and social justice through interfaith dialogue, for three years prior to her journalistic career. She is deeply interested in exploring how religion and belief can contribute to promoting inclusive society and social justice.


We would like to acknowledge the individuals who helped InterSastra with its activities over the past years: Miagina Amal, Wikan Satriati, Neneng Nurjanah, Noerhayati Djalal, Indra Sarathan, Norman Erikson Pasaribu, Leopold Adi Surya Indrawan, Andina Septia, Gratiagusti Chananya Rompas, Ika Vantiani, Citra Benazir Adityawarman, Fahrul Piliang, Intania Fitriani, El Lalong, Sebastian Partogi, Yuri Nasution, and other InterSastra’s friends and volunteers. We thank you very much for the ideas, time, and hard work that you’ve contributed to us.